From 1st December 2008, every home advertised for sale must — by law — have a Home Report. This report must be ready before your home is advertised.
The report contains information about your home, including a survey, that will be made available to prospective buyers on request. This page explains the documents the Home Report must contain and answers some of the questions you are likely to have as a seller and a buyer.
What’s in a Home Report?
The Home Report is divided into three sections. All sections are designed to supply the seller and buyer with detailed information on the condition and value of a property – before offers are made.
Single Survey
The Single Survey is a detailed survey of your home conducted by a qualified surveyor. It will include a valuation as well as a condition report. We will appoint the surveyor on your behalf and will work with you to select a surveyor who is familiar with your area.
The survey will list the main features of your home and give an assessment of the condition for each one on a scale of 1 = no repairs necessary, to 3 = necessary repairs or replacement are needed now. It will also provide an estimate of market value.
Energy Report
The Energy Report gives a home’s energy efficiency rating and its environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. It recommends ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency and gives contact details for further advice and information about how to make a home more energy efficient and save fuel costs.
Property Questionnaire
The Property Questionnaire contains information about your home from your perspective. It asks, for example, whether your neighbours have the right to walk over your garden and whether you have made any alterations to your home. As the leading expert on your home, the regulations covering Home Reports assumes that you will complete the questionnaire, but as your selling agent we will be on hand to offer advice and assistance as necessary.
Energy Performance Certificate
Even if you do not need a Home Report for your property, you will have to provide an Energy Performance Certificate when a property you own is sold or rented out after the 4th January 2009.
Trust Us to Deliver
If you are thinking of selling, you can instruct us to provide a Home Report as part of the preparation for putting your home on the market.
As lawyers and estate agents, we have a unique combination of skills and expertise that makes us ideally suited to preparing a Home Report for your home.
Please contact us for more information.